Here is the basic recipe. I do not include it for the average Postum devotee, since it sounds like an incredibly labor-intensive mess, but for a food professional who wants to do it as a healthy "microbrew" niche product:
I am researching making Postum in small batches at home. I figure C.W. Post probably started with small batches for his sanitarium, made in an 1895 commercial kitchen, so it should be possible.If you want to read the follow-up points, the discussion is online at http://www.chow.com/grinder/4524
Three of the four ingredients are available in health food stores, the other one, maltodextrin is a modified starch used commercially. While Maltrin is available in retail quantities, (Body builders use it as a supplement) it probably wasn't in Post's original formula.
I have a good idea how to proceed, and just need to work out the exact proportions. I am interested in hearing from others who are trying to duplicate the Postum recipe.
Here's the procedure I will start with:
1. Mix together cracked wheat and wheat bran
2. stir in molasses, allow to set for awhile so the grains absorb\ the moisture from the molasses.
3. Spread on a cookie sheet, and roast at a low temperature (around 300 F)
4. When the grains are roasted, process in a coffee grinder to get the right granule size. ( I may have to add some kind of starch at this point)
I still have to work out the proportions of all the ingredients.
Anyone else who is experimenting, or has information on the formula or manufacturing process please contact me. I promise to post all results on this page. ohb0b@comcast.net
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