Monday, March 24, 2008

Bob Underwood's Postum Letter Writing Campaign

Kraft Foods is hoping we go away quietly. We will not!

Since Kraft has no interest in Postum, the best course of action is to get someone else interested in marketing it. But unless we get the word out, Postum will be gone forever.

Our campaign should be waged on several fronts:

  1. Complaints directly to Kraft Foods. Not only do we need to let them know they have alienated a lot of people, we need to remind them constantly that there is still a market for Postum.
  2. Alert the media! There have already been articles in the Deseret News, NPR, and the Christian Science Monitor. If enough people write the media, they will sense a story. Let’s see if we can get on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Time, People, Fortune… the object is to create a “New Coke” marketing fiasco for Kraft!
  3. Write to your local grocery store, or fill out a Product Request Card. Again, if enough people ask for Postum, the grocery chains will put pressure on Kraft to do something
  4. Write to other food processors, and suggest they add Postum to their product mix. While there may not be enough money for Kraft to resume production, Postum could become a real cash cow for a smaller company. This is an area where everyone can help. If you know a smaller, or regional food processor, please let me know and I’ll add them to the list. This is important, because I think the best way to revive Postum is for a smaller manufacturer to take it over.

Here are some addresses to get us started, contact me if you think of any others, and I will add them to the list.


Kraft Foods:

Nabisco: (Owned by Kraft Foods)

Barbara’s Bakery: (Manufacturer of healthy cereals) E-mail:

Bob’s Red Mill Flour


Seattle’s Best Coffee:

Maxwell House Coffee:

Folger’s Coffee:

Tully’s Coffee:

Millstone Coffee:

International Foods, LLC (Manufacturer of Pero, a European coffee substitute:

Cafix: (another European manufacturer, similar to Pero): E-mail:

Annie’s Homegrown:

Nature’s Path: E-mail:

Kashi: (Kellogg’s);Company=1

1 comment:

Mary O'Reilly said...

Have you tried Caffix? It's quite similar, and better for you without the maltodextrin (derived from corn, which we get too much of in our diet anyway!) Enjoy!