Our campaign should be waged on several fronts:
- Complaints directly to Kraft Foods. Not only do we need to let them know they have alienated a lot of people, we need to remind them constantly that there is still a market for Postum.
- Alert the media! There have already been articles in the Deseret News, NPR, and the Christian Science Monitor. If enough people write the media, they will sense a story. Let’s see if we can get on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Time, People, Fortune… the object is to create a “New Coke” marketing fiasco for Kraft!
- Write to your local grocery store, or fill out a Product Request Card. Again, if enough people ask for Postum, the grocery chains will put pressure on Kraft to do something
- Write to other food processors, and suggest they add Postum to their product mix. While there may not be enough money for Kraft to resume production, Postum could become a real cash cow for a smaller company. This is an area where everyone can help. If you know a smaller, or regional food processor, please let me know and I’ll add them to the list. This is important, because I think the best way to revive Postum is for a smaller manufacturer to take it over.
Here are some addresses to get us started, contact me if you think of any others, and I will add them to the list.
Nabisco: (Owned by Kraft Foods)
Barbara’s Bakery: (Manufacturer of healthy cereals) E-mail: customerservice@worldpantry.com
Bob’s Red Mill Flour http://www.bobsredmill.com/talk.php
Starbucks: http://www.starbucks.com/customer/
Maxwell House Coffee: http://www.cw-usa.com/info.html
Folger’s Coffee: http://folgers.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/folgers.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php?p_sid=BgChSH-i
Tully’s Coffee: http://www.tullys.com/company/contact_us.aspx
Millstone Coffee: http://www.millstone.com/pages/contact/index.jsp
International Foods, LLC (Manufacturer of Pero, a European coffee substitute: http://www.internaturalfoods.com/Contact.html
Cafix: (another European manufacturer, similar to Pero): E-mail: sales@enjoybettercoffee.com
Annie’s Homegrown: http://www.annies.com/contact_us_form
Nature’s Path: E-mail: consumer_services@naturespath.com
Kashi: (Kellogg’s) http://www.kelloggs.com/cgi-bin/brandpages/faq/list.pl?skin=kashi;Company=1
1 comment:
Have you tried Caffix? It's quite similar, and better for you without the maltodextrin (derived from corn, which we get too much of in our diet anyway!) Enjoy!
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