You can find the files at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Postum/
I have found that most folks may have submitted a complaint or inquiry to Kraft, maybe found my group, or yours, etc. and bitched there. I don't think I am being effective at channeling the discontent into a productive path. Perhaps you will be more successful.I attempted to rally support on several different fronts.Publish Post1. Continue to complain to Kraft Foods, they have to see we aren't going away quietly. Even if they are not interested in Postum, if they know there are discontented customers, they may be more willing to sell the rights to a smaller food processor.2. Write to the news media. The object is to make this a "New Coke" marketing fiasco for Kraft, and also to get publicity so someone else gets interested. The Mormon and Seventh Day Adventist press was the first to report on Postum. A reporter from the Christian Science Monitor interviewed several people from my group, and one woman had an interview with NPR. I'd like to get FOX News and the Wall Street Journal interested.3. Writing to grocery store chains, both regional and national chains, but also to health food stores. If they see a demand, they will alsp put pressure on Kraft to do something.4. Perhaps the most important, contacting smaller and regional food processors to get them interested in either buying the rights from Kraft, or else developing their own formulation.Of course, if one or two people write in, they can be dismissed, but if a lot of people ask about Postum, someone will see there is money to be made, and things will start to happen!I have attached my Postum Writing Campaign filein Word, please feel free to use it on yor blog. Make additions and corrections as required.Sincerely,Robert UnderwoodSeattle
I am collaborating with a small food manufacturer, and we are formulating a beverage made with the same ingredients as Postum. We will have to use another name because Postum is trademarked. Do you think consumers will want to drink it if it has another name?
Sure....Postam would be great....spelled with a a instead..sounds same but letter changed wsill brng all the old postum drinkers to u.other wise hwo would they know .not many usee computer users.I would say acertain religion users would be gratefull as we can't drink coffe but love the taste.Wewouhld be forfever gratfull.Signed Old Postam drinker.,bbesides that was very healthy for u.
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