Monday, April 7, 2008

Letter Writing and Lobbying

Not to suggest Postum is old-fashioned or anything, but isn't this a great picture? Bob has posted his letter to Himmel, which picked up Ovaltine after a similarily ignominious disappearance. Anyone with time and energy should send a similar letter to Himmel, and bug anyone you know in the food business. Postum is a great product for a small company.

Himmel Nutrition

PO 5329

Lake Worth, FL 33466-5329

Dear Mr. Himmel:

I am the Robert Underwood whom Jenna Fisher interviewed for her article in the Christian Science Monitor. Like you, I believe Postum is one of those products that can have a successful comeback, if there is a systematic campaign. I have started a Yahoo group dedicated to this effort. We are taking several approaches:

Lobbying Kraft Foods. Even if they are not interested in bringing back the product, if they know there is a demand, they will be more inclined to do something about it.

  1. Contacting the news media. The ideal outcome would be a “New Coke” marketing fiasco for Kraft. But Postum isn’t Coca-Cola, so we haven’t been as successful at this as I would have liked.
  2. Attempting to come up with a home made version of Postum. This is not a real solution, but people are devoted. Even though C.W. Post originally developed Postum in an 1890’s commercial kitchen, and made small batches for use in his Battle Creek sanitarium, it is a labor intensive process, yielding mixed results. The Postum sold in stores is also an instant beverage. It was probably freeze dried, which is beyond the capability of the home kitchen, so at best, home made Postum will be an expensive, brewed drink.
  3. Contacting grocery chains, either by filling out product request forms, or direct contact with regional or national headquarters. The object is to make retailers aware of the demand. Postum was a sleeper product, it was always on the very top or very bottom of the coffee display, but people steadily bought it. In turn, we hope retailers will lean on Kraft to do something.
  4. Write to other food processors in an attempt to get them to either buy the rights from Kraft, or develop their own formulation and market it. I believe this is the most promising avenue. There is not enough of a market for an outfit like Kraft, but it would make a nice “cash cow” for a smaller manufacturer.

Apparently, Kraft made a half-hearted attempt to increase sales in the mid 1990’s. A 1995 article in the New York Times reported Postum had an 88% share of the coffee substitute market, with an estimated two million drinkers, and $7.5 million annual sales. These numbers have probably declined significantly since then. Postum was never highly advertised, people knew about it either because they grew up with the product, or like me, word-of-mouth.

My anecdotal experience shows there is still a sizable niche market. In addition to Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists whose religion forbids stimulants like caffeine, Postum also has a following among people with medical conditions that are aggravated by caffeine and the acids in coffee, and those who simply wish to cut down their caffeine intake. (I have high blood pressure, and my doctor advises no more than one cup of coffee daily.)

This morning, the Kraft Foods web site Postum thread had 9,703 views, and 124 replies. My own Postum drinkers group on Yahoo attracts 3-4 people a week.

A few words about the product, why it is unique, and why there is no real substitute for it:

Most coffee substitutes try to imitate the taste of coffee. As a result, they end up tasting like really bad coffee. I have tred Pero, Cafix, Teecino, and several others. Postum is the only one that does not contain chicory, which is responsible for the bitter coffee taste of the others.

Postum also has the “body” of a cup of coffee. Herb teas are like drinking light beer, they are not satisfying.

Finally, while it can’t be advertised as such, Postum is a very good weight loss aid. A warm cup of Postum satisfies evening hunger pangs, and since it has no caffeine, you can drink it at night.

Postum has a devoted following, and would be a good market for a company like Himmel. Imagine what a little outside the box thinking could do for sales of a great tasting, all natural, low calorie, low fat, low cholesterol, low sodium, naturally caffeine free drink. Please consider adding it to your product line.


Robert Underwood

2715 SW 332nd Ct.

Federal Way, WA 98023

Tel. 253-517-8861



EvalovesPOSTUM said...

I am a devoted Postum Fan
I grew up with Postum as a child and rediscovered it as an adult
Postum is a coffee substitute, but also a product in itself. It is healthy and delicious!

There is NO replacement for POSTUM!


I just cant imagine a world without Postum!


birdeeb said...

I LOVE Postum because my mom would put it in my hot cocoa when I was little...I wanted to do the same for my kids :o( This makes me very sad!

Betsy Teutsch said...

Hello. Great blog!!

Seth said...

This is so funny. I couldn't help laughing when I saw this blog.

I'm also a Postum fan, and disappointed to discover that it's been discontinued. (What I find funny is that virtually nobody I've ever mentioned it to has even heard of Postum!)

Like others (as I'm discovering from this newly found community of Postem fans) I grew up with it as a child. My father was a big Postem drinker, which in my youth I referred to as "Poket" (a memory not dredged up for decades!). As the years progressed, I don't think any of my siblings have continued to drink Postum. But I seek it out every winter, as a more substantial warm drink substitute for herbal tea at night.

I'm sorry to hear it has been "discontinued", and will try to shoot off a note or two. But just discovering that there IS a group of people who have this attachment to Postum makes me smile. It kind of gives me a warm, nostalgic feeling inside -- just like a nice cup of Poket.

Betsy Teutsch said...

Hi Seth! Nice bonding around Postum. I think I first tasted it at Grossingers about 35 years ago! INKA is good. I'll try to get Weavers Way to stock it.