Well, it's not Postum's identical twin, but it's close. It's reminiscent. The texture is finer, but the roasty slightly sweet taste is very nice. I knew it was gonna' work for me when I walked by the jar and looked forward to having another cup of Naturalis INKA, after sampling it this morning. I like a hot drink in the late evening, and have been sorely missing Postum this fall. Tea just doesn't do it, and the latte drinks are so high in sugar and fat. I read about INKA on our Postum listserv, and found it online at a health food store in California. It shipped within a few days. Pricey way to accomplish this, but well worth it. It is imported from Poland by
Adamba Imports INC, Brooklyn, NY, 11237. You can buy it from them directly, it looks like. It is thinner than Postum, so you need double the amount.
Life is better....